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The young men are agile and sharp.
Piercing, their points penetrate the hardest steel.
Sharp and prepared, they are ready to hit the target.
But where is the archer who can bend the bow
and stimulate their spirits?
King Yan Brandon

Don't underestimate those youthful eyes.
They are full of desire to conquer the world!
King Yan Brandon

Studying day and night.
Spending many years on the benches.
And in the end, forget your own self...
What have you been studying all this time?
King Yan Brandon

In the past, it was difficult to deceive young people.
No matter how indoctrinated they were,
They knew how to spot the traps.
Today, young people do great studies and are more qualified than before. But they are easily influenced..
Yet, it is on them that the world relies...
Youth, Youth,
How far away is the time when you used to brandish your torch.

How to apply the assets studied over many years in a world where change is permanent and where speed is the queen?
In an age where technology has taken over, is talent really enough?
Should you stop studying to embark on an entrepreneurial career and run the risk to lose everything or should you aim for security, knowing that you will have achieved nothing in the coming years?
Is experience more valuable than knowledge? If not, why do modern business leaders rely on work experience to propose a job?
If yes, why should students spend so many years sitting on school benches exhausting their minds?
King Yan Brandon
Noble students with a burning desire to Grow
Always progress rapidly.
They are the only ones who are not blinded by theories.
Their Integrity enables them to see the traps
and slip through the cracks.
With them, pride loses its power and strength.
Their Personalities shine brightly.
King Yan Brandon

C onsultation
This Consultation Service lasts 1.5 months.

450 000 €

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